或 qcge2015@fzu.edu.cn
1998.9-2001.7 南开大学, 硕士学位
2003.1-2007.7 新加坡国立大学,博士学位
2007.8-2009.4 新加坡国立大学化学学院,科研助理
2009.5-2015.3 新加坡国立大学化学及分子生物学院,博士后
2015.4-至今 福建省闽江学者特聘教授/教授,福州大学环境与安全工程学院200
1. 有机高分子膜相关领域的材料研发;2. 水污染控制及海水淡化;3. 清洁新能源;4. 废物资源化
Ø 国家自然科学基金面上项目,22376027,2024-2027
Ø 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21677035,2017-2020
Ø 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2021J01629,2021-2024
Ø 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2016J01056,2016-2019
Ø 中空纤维耐氯纳滤膜耐氯性能的增强研究, 2021-2024,100万(横向)
Ø 中空纤维耐溶剂纳滤膜耐溶剂性能的增强, 2016-2017,10万(横向)
已在国际顶级SCI期刊(Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research等)以一作或通讯作者发表50余篇论文。
Ø 近5年代表性论文(通讯作者)
1. Y.T. Zou, Q.C. Ge*, Smart organic-inorganic polyoxomolybdates in forward osmosis for antiviral-drug wastewater treatment and drug reclamation. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57, 14, 5872–5880.
2. Luyang Cheng, Q.W. Meng, Q.C. Ge*, Construction and chlorine resistance of thiophene-poly(ethyleneimine)-based dual-functional nanofiltration membranes, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 10018-10029.
3. R.Z. Chen, F.R. Qiu, Q.W. Meng, T.S. Chung, Q.C. Ge*, A cobalt-based forward osmosis draw solute synthesized from lithium-ion battery wastes for cobalt-containing wastewater purification, Desalination 548 (2023) 116279.
4. R.Z. Chen, X.F. Dong, Q.C. Ge*, Lithium-based draw solute for forward osmosis to treat wastewater discharged from lithium-ion battery manufacturing, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 16, (2022) 755–763.
5. F.R. Qiu, R.Z. Chen, T.S. Chung, Q.C. Ge*, Forward osmosis for heavy metal removal: Multi-charged metallic complexes as draw solutes, Desalination 539 (2022) 115924.
6. X.J. Tang, W.X. Hu, X.X. Ke, Y.M. Zheng, Q.C. Ge*, Antibacterial and desalting behavior of forward osmosis membranes engineered with metal ions, Desalination 530 (2022) 115655.
7. Y.R. Shi, X.L. Liao, R.Z. Chen, Q.C. Ge*, pH-Responsive Polyoxometalates that achieve efficient wastewater reclamation and source recovery via forward osmosis. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55, 18, 12664–12671.
8. X.F. Dong, Q.W. Meng, W.X. Hu, R.Z. Chen, Q.C. Ge*, Forward osmosis membrane developed from the chelation of Fe3+ and carboxylate for trace organic contaminants removal. Chemical Engineering Journal 428 (2022) 131091.
9. J. Guo, Q. L. Yang, C. H. Lau, Q.C. Ge*, Membrane surface functionalization with imidazole derivatives to benefit dye removal and fouling resistance in forward osmosis, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 6710-6719.
10. W.X. Hu, Y.C. Chen, X.F. Dong, Q.W. Meng, Q.C. Ge*, Positively charged membranes constructed via complexation for chromium removal through micellar-enhanced forward osmosis. Chemical Engineering Journal 420 (2021) 129837.
11. Q.W. Meng, Q.C. Ge*, Enhancing Chlorine Resistance and Water Permeability during Forward Osmosis Separation Using Superhydrophilic Materials with Conjugated Systems, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 35393−35402.
12. R. Z. Chen, X.L. Liao, Q.C. Ge*, A novel multinuclear zinc complex Zn-Bet-Tf2N for electroplating wastewater treatment using forward osmosis technique. Chemical Engineering Journal 404 (2021).
13. X.L. Liao, W.H. Zhang, Q.C. Ge*, A cage-like supramolecular draw solute that promotes forward osmosis for wastewater remediation and source recovery, Journal of Membrane Science 2020, 600, 117862.
14. X.F. Dong, Q.C. Ge*, Metal ion-bridged forward osmosis membranes for efficient pharmaceutical wastewater reclamation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 37163-37171.
15. Y.C. Chen, Q.C. Ge*, A bifunctional zwitterion that serves as both a membrane modifier and a draw solute for forward osmosis wastewater treatment, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 36118−36129.
16.P. Li, Q.C. Ge*, Membrane surface engineering with bifunctional zwitterions for efficient oil−water separation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 31328−31337.
17. Q.L. Yang, C.H. Lau, Q.C. Ge*, Novel ionic grafts that enhance arsenic removal via forward osmosis, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 17828−17835.
18. Y.H. Wu, Y. Liu, R.Z. Chen, W.-H. Zhang, Q.C. Ge*, A pH-responsive supramolecular draw solute that achieves high-performance in arsenic removal via forward osmosis, Water Research 165 (2019) 114993.
19. Y. Wu, W.H. Zhang, Q.C. Ge*, Piperazine-based functional materials as draw solutes for desalination via forward osmosis. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (2018), 14170-14177.
20. G. Xie, W. Xu, Q.C. Ge*, Controlling membrane ionization with bifunctional alendronates to benefit desalination through forward osmosis. Desalination 447 (2018), 147-157.
21. T. Ni, Q.C. Ge*, Highly hydrophilic thin-film composition forward osmosis (FO) membranes functionalized with aniline sulfonate/bisulfonate for desalination. Journal of Membrane Science 564 (2018), 732-741.
22. W. Xu, Q.C. Ge*, Novel functionalized forward osmosis (FO) membranes for FO desalination: Improved process performance and fouling resistance. Journal of Membrane Science 555 (2018), 507-516.
23. Q. Chen, W. Xu, Q.C. Ge*, Novel multi-charge hydroacid complexes that effectively remove heavy metal ions from water in forward osmosis processes. Environmental Science & Technology, 52 (2018), 4464-4471.
Ø 科研论文“ Effective As(III) removal by a multi-charged hydroacid complex draw solute facilitated forward osmosis-membrane distillation (FO-MD) processes, Environ. Sci. & Tech., 50 (2016), 2363-2370”
Ø 科研论文“A novel multi-charged draw solute that removes organic arsenicals from water in a hybrid membrane process. Environ. Sci. Tech., 52 (2018), 3812-3819”